Thank you so much, I appreciate your good service! - Qhawe Nzama

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You can now get a free compliance check-up for your business here

Close launches new exciting services.


From domestic worker employers to business owners will be glad to hear about our new exciting services.

The team at has been very busy over the the past few weeks developing new online solutions/services for our clients which will benefit from domestic worker employers to business (or aspiring business) owners. Some of our exciting new services include the following:

Dometstic Worker UIF payments and payslips.

Pay UIF contibutions for your domestic worker  via credit card for any specific month or year (past or present).

  • A payslip will be generated an stored under your profile for you to view or print out any time.
  • Full history of payments made, payslips etc.
  • Full details of the Domestic worker(s) will be saved for future use.
  • You will be able to edit and save the details of the Employer or the Domestic worker at any time.
  • We will then submit the monthly declaration form to the department of Labour and make the payment on your behalf. Proof of these payments will be e-mailed to you monthly and uploaded under your username.

For more info regarding this services please visit

Website services

Getting your own domain name and website has never been easier:

In 4 steps you can have you domain name complete with e-mail addresses, monthly hosting and a complete website, where you will be able to add/edit text, pictures, video and many other functions based on the type of website needed for your business venture.

  • You will be able to choose from a basic package up to a business package in a user friendly, easy to use manner
  • Domain name is checked in realtime for availibility.
  • After the process has been completed by the user the domain name with e-mail adresses will be reserved and setup immediately and your website will be up and running in 72hours!

For more info regarding this services please visit and register as a user.

For a full list of all our services please visit

Link Registered Representative with SARS

we can now assist taxpayers to link registered representatives of an entity with sars. this is a recent requirement from sars.

ROE 2023 figures can now be submitted

filing season of roe's starts from


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