Good Day,  Thank you very much for your help. We appreciate it so much!  Regards, - Jabu and Phumi

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You can now get a free compliance check-up for your business here


CC income tax returns due


CC income tax returns for the 2011 financial year must be submitted to SARS on or before

28 February 2012. With the individual tax return deadline come and gone the next deadline is for CC's and Companies. Income tax returns (IT14) for the 2011 financial must be submitted before this deadline to avoid penalties and interest. It is also the date for 2nd provisional tax returns and payments (appliccable to most CC's).

Therefore CC members, will  have to jump in quickly in the new year to be able to get their books in order and up to date. As always our team of qualified accountants will be working harder as ever to help our clients (existing and new ones) in getting their business books up to date and assist with queries they may have.

CC's member also need to keep in mind that annual financial statements, signed off by an registered accountant (which we are), are mandatory and required by law. The financial statements are then used to complete the annual tax returns (IT14).

We have added a new service where you can start the process of getting your taxes up to as easily and cost effectively as possible. Visit  Annual Financial Statements and Tax Return Submission (SARS) for more info.

Link Registered Representative with SARS

we can now assist taxpayers to link registered representatives of an entity with sars. this is a recent requirement from sars.

ROE 2023 figures can now be submitted

filing season of roe's starts from


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