Another new service from

After numerous requests from clients we are please to announce that we have added yet another new service on our website. Businesses can now apply for a letter of good standing
After numerous requests from clients we are please to say that we have added yet another new service on our website. Businesses can now apply for a letter of good standing from the Compensation Commissioner through us. All you need to do is go the the services section on our website, click on the "apply for a letter of good standing", complete the short online form and submit to us.
A letter of good standing is normally requested by business requiring services from contractors/suppliers doing work on the client's business premises and employing people who might be exposed to injury on duty. A business must be registered with the Compensation Fund before is can apply for a letter of good standing. Certain requirements must be met before a letter of good standing will be issued by the Compensation Commissioner (details can be found under our services section).